Kick-start Design Automation with DriveWorksXpress

dateOctober 21, 2020

DriveWorksXpress is an entry level design automation application which is built into every seat of SOLIDWORKS. Design engineers can use it to build customized variations from a base model, drastically reduces the time it takes to do repetitive design work.

In order to create a fully functional DriveWorksXpress database that can generate custom models, there are 5 major steps that we need to follow:

1. Create a Database

A database must be created along with the model being added into DriveWorksXpress.

2. Capture the Model

Dimension, features and properties must be captured from the models that you would like to control.

3. Add Form Fields

Form fields will be created so that designer can key in all the variable parameters/options.

4. Define Rules

 “Rules” for the model must be applied.

5. Create the customized model

Complete the form with parameters or option and run DriveWorksXpress to generate the customized set of the model.

With a well captured and ruled base model, a designer can generate as many customized models as possible, as long as the parameters are all within allowable range. This would certainly reduce the time to repeatedly pack and go the base model to a new folder, rename all the files, modify all the variable dimensions or features, etc (a long list to go). With DriveWorksXpress, the designer simply needs to key in parameters into the form, run the project, that’s it.

However, since DriveWorksXpress is the lite version of DriveWorks offering, there are certain limitations compared to DriveWorks Solo and DriveWorks Pro.

You may visit below link to learn about the differences between DriveWorksXpress, DriveWorks Solo and DriveWorks Pro.